10 No-Cost Ways to Help a Sick Friend

Supporting a sick friend or loved one doesn’t mean that it will cost something and it’s the effort and thought that your loved one prefers anyway.  Here are ten no-cost ways to help someone you care about when they are sick or going through really hard times:

  1. Offer Your Time.  Whether it’s watching a movie, playing cards or games, going for a walk, or just talking at home, your presence can be comforting – especially if your friend’s love language is time!
  2. Listen: Sometimes all a person needs is someone to talk to. Be a good listener and offer a sympathetic ear.  We have another blog about things to avoid saying if you are nervous about being around sick people.
  3. Provide Emotional Support: Offer words of encouragement, empathy and reassurance by letting your loved one know that you are there for them and whatever they might need. They need to hear: “You are not alone.”
  4. Share Your Hobbies and Do Theirs: If your friend enjoys certain hobbies, engage in those or ask her what they are about and let her show you. Maybe she likes to read, draw or even watch a favorite tv show if she is too tired or can’t think of hobbies because her life has been so busy.  If she is long distance, it is really fun to start the same show at the same time and then you can text about the show as it is happening, and make sure to tell her to pause if you have to go to the bathroom.  This is a lot more fun than it sounds and brings people together.   Sharing familiar activities can provide a sense of normalcy.
  5. Offer to do Transportation: Medical appointments, a trip to the store, or picking up dry cleaning or kids are all great offers of help.  Transportation is often a significant challenge to those who are sick so this is an especially good offer of help.
  6. Research and share information: First ask if they could use any help researching treatment, financial aid options, information on the condition itself or support groups.  Knowledge is empowering and your assistance can be so valuable.
  7. Create a care package from items you already have at home: Maybe some tea packets inside a beautiful cup with home-made “coupons” to share time later, a favorite book, or a soft and/or electric blanket to loan out.
  8. Send or drop off some mail! Sending funny comics from the paper that you have read or inspiring articles can brighten a day.  Everyone likes to see a hand-addressed envelope in their mailbox!
  9. Make a meal from one you are already cooking for your family and if you have enough to spare for two – even better - in case the person has a caregiver or family. 
  10. Create some positive messages on sticky notes. If your friend is sick from chemo, place the notes on the bottom of the toilet or on the walls really low next to the bottom of the toilet as often times the person is too weak to move around a lot and sleeps on the floor next to the toilet.  If they are not in chemo or if the chemo or treatment doesn’t make them sick, then place the stickies around the mirror in the bathroom and on the microwave too as those are places people stand next to for more than a few seconds. 

The key is to be supportive and understanding.  Everyone is different and has unique needs so tailor your friend’s specific needs and preferences to your gift giving.